The Japanese, leaders in robotics...
Brings you 'NeCord' the first dead looking robot cat for your home. Are you sick of your beloved cat, who died last summer, stuffed and mounted sitting on the mantle piece looking lifeless and dead?
Well your wishes have may have just come true!
NeCord wont bring your cat back, BUT it will give you the next best thing. A walking, meowing, animated DEAD looking cat for your home.
YES! there is life after death! And NeCord will bring it to your home!
*Batteries not included. Soundtrack available through iTunes.
Well your wishes have may have just come true!
NeCord wont bring your cat back, BUT it will give you the next best thing. A walking, meowing, animated DEAD looking cat for your home.
YES! there is life after death! And NeCord will bring it to your home!
*Batteries not included. Soundtrack available through iTunes.
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